
What Is Acupressure

                     Acupressure is an alternative medicine technique developed in Tibet before the development of acupuncture.In acupressure physical pressure is applied to trigger points by the hand, elbows or with the various devices. (wikipedia)
                    It is an ancient healing art using the fingers to gradually press key healing points, which stimulate the bodys natural self-curative abilities. Acupressure therapy is effective in the relief if stress, related ailments and is ideal for self treatment and preventive health care for boosting the immune system. Acupressure releases tension, increases circulation, reduces pain and develops spirituality and vibrant health. (info@acupressure.com)
                   So when you are suffering from a tension headache, there are simple hands on techniques that will help relieve pain and reduce tension, we call it acupressure or shiatsu in popular terms.
                   I chose this topic in order to promote self help and hands on technique in improving conditions such as stress, tension, aches or pain by means of simple measures of acupressure or persons discomfort and pain could be improved.

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