
Benefits of Acupressure Therapy

Developed in ancient Asia around 5,000 years ago, Acupressure is a traditional art of healing using the hands. Acupressure is exerting pressure on certain points in the body with the motive of restoring body’s positive energy flow. some of the advantages of acupressure are discussed below:


Stress Management and body energy balance

Acupressure helps a person in the management of stress. It calms the nervous tension and improves an individual’s stress resistance as it directly works on autonomic nervous system. Acupressure enhances relaxation of the body and creates positivity of mind. Acupressure is potent in relieving discomfort and works greatly in improving one’s mental well-being as well as emotional well-being as it a key to learning disorders and emotional trauma. By relieving stress, acupressure improves one’s immunity to various ailments, promotes wellness and restores positive energy flow in the body.


Relieve Pain

Acupressure is known to have long-lasting effects on pain in different body parts. Acupressure is practiced worldwide to treat arthritis, muscular pain in the arm and neck, cervical pain, joint pain, spondylitis, osteoarthritis, pain caused by sports and athletics and other body pains. Acupressure therapists hold that acupressure must be used as primary treatment for locomotive disorders. One can learn self-care acupressure applications to deal with fatigue, headaches, chronic muscular pain and fibromyalgia. With acupressure techniques, one can get rid of neurological disorders such as paralysis of the face, peripheral neurological disorders, epilepsy, vertigo, multiple sclerosis, sinusitis, insomnia, libido problems and stomach disorders.


Deals with Maternity

Acupressure is helpful in dealing with the changes and risks of pregnancy. Practicing acupressure during pregnancy relaxes your muscles, balances your mood and emotions, relieve physiological symptoms associated with pregnancy such as bloating, water retention, muscular cramps, pain in the neck, the back, the hips, sciatica, headaches, nausea, blood pressure, bloodstream etc. In the last trimester of pregnancy, acupressure induces a late labour, eases the expulsion process and reduces labour pain. After childbirth, it helps a woman by strengthening the healing power of her body. It naturally relieves postnatal depression, stress, lactation issues and genital disorders. Acupressure massage therapy greatly helps a woman in postmenstrual trauma, menopause, menstrual pains, mood swings and back pain.


Improves Sex Life

The practice of acupressure cultivates sexual energy and makes lovemaking better.  It is known to improve fertility, seduction and sexual endurance. Lovers have a bonus point of stimulating each other’s acupressure points by full body embraces, kisses and  secret touches. It improves the chemistry of love in a relationship and makes it ever lasting. With acupressure, you can find solutions to sexual problemssuch as inhibited sexual desire, premature ejaculation, impotency, infertility and sexual frustration. It helps you to attain deeper sexual communication and sexual satisfaction.

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